Remains of ‘dog-sized’ sea scorpion that lived 400 mn yrs ago found in China

Scientists from Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology have recently unearthed the fossil remains of a metre-long sea scorpion that is believed to have lived in China over 400 million years ago. The “dog-sized” scorpions named Terropterus xiushanensis, are believed to have been 16 times longer than the average-sized scorpions of today. They went extinct […]
BREAKING NEWS: China locks down city with 40 lakh population over COVID-19 outbreak

China has imposed a lockdown in Lanzhou, city with 40 lakh population, over COVID-19 outbreak. China is facing a new wave of infections involving nearly 200 locally transmitted symptomatic cases in 12 provincial areas. China’s National Health Commission (NHC) has said that testing agencies should provide 24-hour services to the public.
China cancels hundreds of flights, shuts schools to fight new COVID-19 outbreak

Authorities in China cancelled hundreds of flights, closed schools and ramped up mass testing on Thursday to try and stamp out a new COVID-19 outbreak linked to a group of tourists. Beijing has maintained a relentless zero-Covid approach with strict border closures and targeted lockdowns, even as other countries tentatively try to ease restrictions. Domestic […]
China drafts law to punish parents for their kids’ bad behaviour or crimes

China’s parliament will consider legislation to punish parents if their young children exhibit “very bad behaviour” or commit crimes. In the draft of the family education promotion law, guardians will be reprimanded and ordered to go through family education guidance programmes if prosecutors find very bad or criminal behaviour in children under their care. “There […]
China demands ₹285 crore from Pak as compensation for 9 engineers killed in blast

China is demanding $38 million (₹285 crore) from Pakistan as compensation for 9 Chinese engineers killed in a bus blast in July, according to reports. The bus was carrying more than 30 people to a hydropower plant site in the remote upper Kohistan region. China had said that it was a deliberate bombing, however, Pakistani […]
Over 220 crore COVID-19 vaccine doses administered in China

More than 220 crore doses of coronavirus vaccines have been administered in China as of October 4, according to the National Health Commission data on Tuesday. About 8.73 lakh doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the country on Monday, the data showed. COVID-19 has infected over 1.08 lakh people in China, according to the […]
पूर्वी लद्दाख के बाद चीन के सैनिकों ने उत्तराखंड में की घुसपैठ

एक तरफ पूर्वी लद्दाख में चीन के सैनिक बार बार घुसपैठ करते रहते हैं और अब चीन के सैनिक भारतीय सीमा के पास भारी संख्या में विध्वंसक हथियारों की तैनाती कर रहे हैं, दूसरी तरफ अब चीन ने घुसपैठ की हरकत उत्तराखंड की तरफ से शुरू कर दी है। इससे पहले 1954 में पहली बार […]
चीन में गिराई गई ऊंची इमारतें, विडियो हुआ वायरल

चीन में ऊंची-ऊंची इमारतों का निर्माण काफी समय पहले से किया जा रहा है। ऐसे में कई जर्जर और पुरानी हो चुकी गगनचुंबी इमारतें को गिराकर उनकी जगह नया कंस्ट्रक्शन किया जाता है। हाल ही में चीन से ऐसा ही एक वीडियो सामने आया है, जिसे देख आपके भी रोंगटे खड़े हो जाएंगे। मिडिया रिपोर्ट […]
China supports three-child policy with sops to urge couples to have more kids

China’s public governing body on Friday officially embraced the three-youngster strategy mooted by the decision Communist Party, in a significant arrangement shift expected to forestall a lofty decrease in rates of birth on the planet’s most crowded country. The amended Population and Family Planning Law, which permits Chinese couples to have three youngsters, was passed […]
Chinese state media transforms Olympics award count to show China on top, trolled

China Central Television (CCTV) transformed the Tokyo Olympics award count to show China on top with 42 gold decorations. CCTV included awards won by Taiwan and Hong Kong in its count. According to the authority count, China won 38 golds, while USA were on top with 39 gold decorations. “China’s so unreliable,” a client composed. […]