Petrol, diesel prices hit fresh record highs as rates hiked after 2-day pause

Petrol and Diesel Rate Today in Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai, Hyderabad: The price of petrol and diesel were hiked by oil marketing companies on Thursday after a two-day pause. Petrol in the national capital today costs Rs 104.79 per litre, up 35 paise from yesterday. Diesel in the capital city is retailing at Rs 93.52 per […]
Diesel price crosses ₹100 per litre mark in Mumbai, highest among metros

Fuel costs contacted record highs on October 9 the nation over. With the new modification, the petroleum cost in Delhi arrived at a record high of Rs 103.84 a liter and diesel Rs 92.47 a liter. In Mumbai, petroleum retailed at Rs 109.83 and diesel at Rs 100.29 per liter, an increment of 29 paise. […]
BIG BREAKING: Petrol price hiked across India for first time after over 2 months

Petrol price increased by 19 to 25 paise per litre across India on September 28 as international oil prices have soared to a three-year high. This was the first increase in the fuel price after July 17, according to a price notification by state-run oil companies. Diesel price also hiked by 24 to 27 paise […]
महीने में 17 बार बढ़ी पेट्रोल-डीजल की कीमत

नई दिल्ली. एक महीने में 17वीं बार बढ़ोतरी के बाद देशभर में पेट्रोल और डीजल की कीमतें मंगलवार को नई ऊंचाई पर जा पहुंचीं। पेट्रोल की कीमत में 17 बार में 4.09 रुपये प्रति लीटर और डीजल 4.65 रुपये प्रति लीटर बढ़ी है। आज डीजल की कीमत 23 पैसे, तो वहीं पेट्रोल की कीमत 26 पैसे तक बढ़ी […]