President Kovind designates legislative heads of Punjab, TN, Uttarakhand and Nagaland

President Ram Nath Kovind has designated Tamil Nadu Governor Banwarilal Purohit, who held extra charge of Punjab Governor, as normal Punjab Governor. RN Ravi, Nagaland Governor, has been selected Tamil Nadu Governor while Assam Governor Jagdish Mukhi will release the elements of Nagaland Governor notwithstanding his own obligations. Lt General Gurmit Singh (Retd) will be […]
President Ram Nath Kovind goes through cataract surgery procedure at Army clinic in Delhi

President Ram Nath Kovind on Thursday went through a cataract surgery procedure at the Army clinic here, a Rashtrapati Bhavan explanation said. The medical procedure was fruitful and he has been released from the emergency clinic, it said. Kovind, matured 75, took over as the fourteenth leader of India on July 25, 2017. “The President […]
Biden holds sign with ‘Dude with Sign’ at White House to promote vaccines for youngsters

President Joe Biden wore his tan suit in a photograph operation with an Instagram powerhouse to advance the COVID-19 immunization for youngsters. Seth Phillips, a 24-year-old who passes by @dudewithsign on Instagram, has more than 7.5 million adherents. His record focuses on a bit where he holds a cardboard sign with straightforward orders in irregular […]
प्रधानमंत्री मोदी ने चिकित्सक दिवस पर दी चिकित्सकों को बधाई

एक जुलाई 2021 को देशभर में राष्ट्रीय डॉक्टर दिवस मनाया जा रहा है. हर साल 1 जुलाई को इंडियन मेडिकल एसोसिएशन की अगुवाई में राष्ट्रीय डॉक्टर दिवस मनाया जाता है. बता दें कि राष्ट्रीय डॉक्टर्स डे बंगाल के पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री डॉ बिधान चंद्र रॉय की जयंती और पुण्यतिथि के मौके पर मनाया जाता है. इस […]